There is something keep bothering me... why is that some of them so lucky and some of them isntlucky as them.. is that because none of a god seen or protect us or they keep ignoring us just liked the attitude we treat to the person we care and to who we not care. But i think no matter what happen they should care on us as we are all craete by them.. atheres no lucky draw between us they should treat us in a fair way. i want a goddess person to help ,protect and give everything iwant in a reasonable way ...Maybe on christmas day i will bring bach the thing i want or a thing better is coming to me as last last year i lost thing on 25.12.2007
In other way the person who always get thing free will lost or sell thing easily in a cheap and easy way noy liked the person who lost thing before get scared and keep thinking about the thing especially thing that really important to them which carry many beautiful memory in the thing that lost.Many unexpecting thing will be true if someone really wanna claim the thing or"steal" , take your valuable thing away from you in an aim.. But i cant really understand if u get or have the thing accidentally in a good way like saw that is none of them pick up from but not steal from the its great if its.......
I really cant think more about it again...i want to have a peace christmas day with all the hope on my thing will retuen and come back to me...
saw someone who i really care before untill he couple but now i think he broke up with the girl ... sad.. everytime went parkson will saw him ... he just walk by or stand in front of me but i dont dare to gonear to him.. today inn boulevard saw a white shirt handsome guy , whose feature is close or same to him... i think i get in crazy to him... anyway if he is ny dream boy ,the first thing is : is he rich?, can he afford me a sportcar trial?, can he buy me a hanfphone 6288 like the lucky boy who collect his dream hp in toilet???" i have no idea, i really dont know...but i hope so.. maybe i will get it my luck will turn good in a few still thinking of knowing him and get stage higher in the relationship although its not encourage by everyone .... i am a girl need "bread" and "love" but "bread" is relly more important than "love".
why am i not so lucky as him???
Some of them is so lucky and even lucky than the person should have . I just lost a handphone with a crystal ball hp hanger on 24.12.2007 , then the person who was close to me collect a hp in toilet today afternoon ... this is the second hp he got accidentally without paying any thing inckuding the fees of sim card and hp itself but then my nokia 6288just lost suddenly its so sad .... not fair enough .. why cant GOD u give me a chance to have my handphone back or pick a free and more expensive handphone leh... My family keep losing handphone but then the guy keep picking and collect handphone in a accidentically condition its not fair.... haiz.... i hope that maybe i would have a idea partner who is rich than i can get anything i want from him or even asked him to buy a 6288 for me no matter that hp still selling or stop producing... really really hope so...
羽翼断了天使无法再像之前那样美丽了. 每个人的身边都有一个天使在眷顾他们,只有细心的人才能发现到它们的存在.然而它们确总在无意间提我们解决问题排除万难就算主人没有发现到它们的存在天使们还是会任劳任怨地为主人服务.试问有谁会想到或忆起织机所寻找的天使就在身边呢.可是天使也不会帮你解决所有问题毕竟人试药经过考验才能成功.天使指挥赐予你力量,精神和在你绝望时安抚你.当你在绝望或觉得自己被逾弃时请不要伤心毕竟天使我们的身边都会有天使时时刻刻守护在我们身旁就算我们忘了它们丢失了它们,它们还是会无微不至地关心照顾,赐予你力量永远保护这脆弱的主人.只要相信有天使在一旁守护你就不会再孤单寂寞害怕了.天使永远都是守护你的甜心.不管大风大浪只要相信它们的存在,它们赐予的力量,精神你就是最完美的了.

曾今有人說討厭你的人總有一天 會愛上你那現在喜歡你的人改次是不是在將來 會討厭你呢????? 當一個人對你不好時你就會恨死他可是當大難臨頭他幫了你一把時你自然會感謝他的但事情決不會 在你有生之年發生的,通常都會在你死后.....常常在幫助別人的同時就會在想他們何時才會報答我們可是在向這些東西的過程中必然有注定的事發生......就像每晚發的夢一樣,每晚都有機會發到那個夢可是他始終就不如你所愿,不讓你有機會實現它除非有貴人幫你當然貴人可是難找的除非我們肯花心思,金錢和時間,但不一定會有好報這就要看你前世的為人了,所以說今世當好人來世多貴人,只是命運是不會讓我們那么輕松的過活.當你來世是百分白百的好人,貴人多相助天,就會把你當成天時帶回自己的身為他們效勞只因他們創造了我們.其實人生沒什么好就是多了幾個臭朋友究竟回避在天上玩的刺激多.可是這并不代表好事發生至少在天上你是安寧的過活在世上卻要忍受所有人對冷言冷語只是人生所有歲月 當中最難度過的,只要 你還有一口氣在別人對你的冷言冷語是絕對少內部了的 . 你要嘛接受不要嘛就控告他沒什么大不了法律講的布置是證據也講金錢每個人都要利益來過活在這世上還有誰會為了公平而幫你自然是到利益較高的地方去投靠了貝...當然人要自知之明也要有頭腦,當利益擺在你面前是拿走一部分為他做點小事拿走了太多掉入陷井自然就有苦頭了.人要嘛貪心再付出相對或更高的代價要嘛大方點損失一點換來更大的利益可有誰會等呢這就像在等死倒不如自己親手鋪路不靠任何人.就像人不犯我,我不犯人.在你面前出現的人都有可能陷害你就拿老師來說吧當他看你不爽是就故意把你的考試份分數拉低覺得你好時就把你的底分數提高到理想區這就是虛偽又真實的人哪.
真是一个天团啊!!!! 身为一个天团,他们可以抛弃一切原貌做个虚伪的人. 人不就是这样吗??? 懂得包装隐藏才方可获得一切所要的. 在感情上身为艺人的他们不能拥有隐私权,可怜的他们只想着为公司赚钱而牺牲自己的一切就连恋爱也要有所保留. 其实公司限制他们又抽他们相当高的酬劳他们根本就没利益可贪,他们要靠什么而活呢??? 有些人就是不顾别人感受给了他们他们想要的却夺走了他们最珍贵的. 人其实可以不必伪装也可以不要用自私的方法去对待你所要的人.他们也是有灵魂,有感情就合我们一样. 悲观的是这世界的人想要人崇拜而被捆绑了..而捆绑者也因为贪图心和崇拜心而捆绑人.这对每个人其实都没好处.就拿东方神起合约案来说,.如今已到了法庭的地步公司还是不放手执着得要他们为公司赚钱公司没了他们就像没了水的鱼. 人应当互相拥有互相珍惜而不是到了无可挽留是才给予他们他们所要的.明星不是娱乐公司的奴隶当然他们清楚公司为他们铺路他们也要回馈公司这双方才会合作愉快但当他们认为他们应偿还的已还清是公司业不因执着在他们身上这对双方都没好处. 压力也因此行成而出现在各方身上.这让人更想逃离自己所拥有的. 我们只要知足不应贪小便宜.有时贪那么一点是可以的人都想发财吗没什么不可的但过分贪图只会毁了一切自己所要的...我们应该互相帮助给了他们利益当我们要他们的帮助是也方便但对自己只可以对他人好那么0.01巴仙这才公平而你要的自然就会是你的了....执着的人用有的不会比会放下的人得到更多的东西反而会失去更多
有个女生是真正的东方女生但不知怎的常被人误当成韩国人. 一天,她路经一个地方,跟一个女人谈话谈到来历., 她开口问了那女人: “你觉得我像韩国人吗?” :那女人回答: “你的风眼像极了韩国人.” 女生又问道: “难道我不像日本人吗?” 女人回答: “会, 但你象韩国人的比例比日本人来得高,” 女生心想 : “我有日本人所谓的可爱又拥有韩国的大美人之称那我因该拥有东方人的气质毕竟我是正统的东方人. 而日后不管别人认不认定我是美女但我认为自己结合了这些美人基因将来一定是个大美女.”
长大了, 女孩也开始注重保养而每天勤檫保养品, . 保养品也助她拥有了美丽的脸孔. 她回来了那个不曾用正眼看她的地方, 她的出现迎起了那地方的一阵骚动 ,各地区大喊: “美人来到了我们的城市真是福了我们.” 但女孩冷漠的从他们身边走过了心想: “目的我以达成, 现在是我要找我的真命天子的时候.”
来到了一间酒吧, 她看见了比自己美丽但没有任何高贵感的女人们, 环顾了四周围终于让她发现了超级大帅哥也是她的目标. 她故意绕道走到了男人面前看了他一眼便走人, 她终于引起了男生的注意. 只见男生卸下了怒气冲冲的另一半跑了过来向她搭讪. 这日子过了三个月. 女生终于把这迷人的富豪升级成了自己的男友. 就在此时, 一个妖艳的女人走到了她的专署位置说 : “ 他不会迷恋你太久的” 女生听后心想 : “ 这因该是我放手的时候了, 我已成了人人羡慕的美女医生, 我也不需要任何名誉了就这样她把心仍然在她身上的公子飞了过着自由的生活享受一切的美好.
男人就是只看外表的动物而女人就是想拥有虚荣心与世间最高尚美貌的动物去制服男人, 到头来可怜的是女人痛苦伤心的也是女人. 女人请保留自己所拥有的尊严吧
长大了, 女孩也开始注重保养而每天勤檫保养品, . 保养品也助她拥有了美丽的脸孔. 她回来了那个不曾用正眼看她的地方, 她的出现迎起了那地方的一阵骚动 ,各地区大喊: “美人来到了我们的城市真是福了我们.” 但女孩冷漠的从他们身边走过了心想: “目的我以达成, 现在是我要找我的真命天子的时候.”
来到了一间酒吧, 她看见了比自己美丽但没有任何高贵感的女人们, 环顾了四周围终于让她发现了超级大帅哥也是她的目标. 她故意绕道走到了男人面前看了他一眼便走人, 她终于引起了男生的注意. 只见男生卸下了怒气冲冲的另一半跑了过来向她搭讪. 这日子过了三个月. 女生终于把这迷人的富豪升级成了自己的男友. 就在此时, 一个妖艳的女人走到了她的专署位置说 : “ 他不会迷恋你太久的” 女生听后心想 : “ 这因该是我放手的时候了, 我已成了人人羡慕的美女医生, 我也不需要任何名誉了就这样她把心仍然在她身上的公子飞了过着自由的生活享受一切的美好.
男人就是只看外表的动物而女人就是想拥有虚荣心与世间最高尚美貌的动物去制服男人, 到头来可怜的是女人痛苦伤心的也是女人. 女人请保留自己所拥有的尊严吧

oh my GODDDDDD..... shit stupid u ... u r also a bee who loves to stick on people before , how dare are you saying othes like a pub girl??? previously you are also such a girl.. Damn girl...
k,well.... theres much of stuff to study abiut , i must rush for my study as time wait for no one and we have to catch up for it... in other way if we cant maintain good marks in study we can also get it from physical education as many of the smarters cant score in this part.
Hate L for being so proud and being so disgusting. Then i cant ubderstand why that guy would rather with you than other girls.. His eyesight have problem, if i am he i wont choose u as u are so disgusting and such a good actor, i will prefer a good thought girl as you say it before a good partner wont care about the beautifulness of someone but really love her....
Then you are just showing off your body and use it to attract your boyfren u are same as those you hate ... you cant says o them , so SHUT UP you guys...
Warning for you... i must send an email for others to beware on you
这几天遇到了一对超级聪明的双胞胎. 虽然都是男的可是他们俩和其弟弟一样聪明伶俐. 可说是天才. 后来每次看人家上台拿奖后老师们给予的关心,心里不断的想:是不是有能力的人,不管外表或是内在,只要有能力,每个人都会倾向你.
其实这世界上有很多聪明人包夸我们只是我们不擅长表现出来,人们为何要执意的去奉层那些人呢? 真是不明白.你有你的美但并不代表丑的人没有特征,别太过于招摇,太多反而会使人反感,落得比丑人拥有更难看的下场.
外表不是一切,有的外表是我们可以改造的,有的却不是.名模们还不是靠化妆品来打扮,平民一样可以.人始终都是以假面,双面人的姿态来应对外来界.他们并没有完全的展示真正的自己. 真正的你才是最亮力的. 会有珍惜你的人出现的, 做人别太过于装扮,也别太过于招摇,惹事生非对自己有害而无益啊!
人不可单靠外表或以他得奖次数来评端他,难道没有好成绩或出色的外表的人就不好吗? 其实这些做自己的人才是最真实最好的人.
其实这世界上有很多聪明人包夸我们只是我们不擅长表现出来,人们为何要执意的去奉层那些人呢? 真是不明白.你有你的美但并不代表丑的人没有特征,别太过于招摇,太多反而会使人反感,落得比丑人拥有更难看的下场.
外表不是一切,有的外表是我们可以改造的,有的却不是.名模们还不是靠化妆品来打扮,平民一样可以.人始终都是以假面,双面人的姿态来应对外来界.他们并没有完全的展示真正的自己. 真正的你才是最亮力的. 会有珍惜你的人出现的, 做人别太过于装扮,也别太过于招摇,惹事生非对自己有害而无益啊!
人不可单靠外表或以他得奖次数来评端他,难道没有好成绩或出色的外表的人就不好吗? 其实这些做自己的人才是最真实最好的人.
听说艺人的恋情都不比普通人长久,到底为什么呢? 其实当艺人到底好吗? 你们有想过这个问题吗? 其实这有点像家庭联姻,他们没有掌控权.一旦恋情曝光他们(大多)就得分手. 这又何必呢? 我们身为粉丝有时都为了他们恋情曝光而担心然而这有何用处?????
很多时候我们都无法选折自己喜欢的东西, 我们人生的掌控权到底在何方? 很多人都曾经被伤害或因为某些原因而和爱人分开可是当他们回想时少许都会报着悔恨的心态去面对吧.我们都不曾把过错放在自己身上而拼命把它推给了对方,有时真的对他们太不公平了.我们因该为爱人而着想并非为了别的.在没有他们的日子里我们未必会活得开心,在拥有对方时我们应该好好珍惜他们而不是一而再再而三的伤害他们不管是不是有心的. 当你真的心碎了,后悔时都已经来不及了.
很多时候我们都无法选折自己喜欢的东西, 我们人生的掌控权到底在何方? 很多人都曾经被伤害或因为某些原因而和爱人分开可是当他们回想时少许都会报着悔恨的心态去面对吧.我们都不曾把过错放在自己身上而拼命把它推给了对方,有时真的对他们太不公平了.我们因该为爱人而着想并非为了别的.在没有他们的日子里我们未必会活得开心,在拥有对方时我们应该好好珍惜他们而不是一而再再而三的伤害他们不管是不是有心的. 当你真的心碎了,后悔时都已经来不及了.
i had meet a friend who own a handsome and rich boyfriend but because of her playful style they break up..this chinese new year the guy had meet an accident and passed away.... my friend reaction is
why he die urgently? why god dont wanna give him a longer life??? why ??? all sort of word that blaming on other
why he want to go for driving as he havent pass the license for a guy who only 15s ??? why ghe so stubborn
why dont i be good tio him , be couple again... i cvant leave him alone... i love him forever
But ,we as the girl best frriend we know that this is not true.. the girl only wany to have handsome guy beside her to show off... one day he saw my cousin photo and told me that he is handsome. she want he to become her boyfriend... when i heard that i keep thinking:"dony your soulmate just passed away, why and how can you want ayou be so happy and wanna couple again, how can????
What i think of is , we cant believe to anyone words... we, at least must think and investigate the word who told or tell us everytime, cdont matter who say it... just think of it... maybe you wil find something wrong and end the relationship earlier not to hurt each other... pls be true and good to everyone especially those who care for you and you care for.
why he die urgently? why god dont wanna give him a longer life??? why ??? all sort of word that blaming on other
why he want to go for driving as he havent pass the license for a guy who only 15s ??? why ghe so stubborn
why dont i be good tio him , be couple again... i cvant leave him alone... i love him forever
But ,we as the girl best frriend we know that this is not true.. the girl only wany to have handsome guy beside her to show off... one day he saw my cousin photo and told me that he is handsome. she want he to become her boyfriend... when i heard that i keep thinking:"dony your soulmate just passed away, why and how can you want ayou be so happy and wanna couple again, how can????
What i think of is , we cant believe to anyone words... we, at least must think and investigate the word who told or tell us everytime, cdont matter who say it... just think of it... maybe you wil find something wrong and end the relationship earlier not to hurt each other... pls be true and good to everyone especially those who care for you and you care for.
why????? in this world.....
today, yesterday and tomorrow, what will happen to us??? yesterday i just heard that a friend had betray me from my gang's voice. is it true then why that friend often tell me that she had my member of gang. really not true such a sucks person... terrible liar.....yesterday i go to a shopping complex angd lost my thing i dont know where i drop maybe in saloon but i aasked them they say they didnyt saw it.... for what they dont tell me the truth maybe they really didnt saw it but i believe someone had saw it jusyt that they dont wanna tell me...but why they want to play fool on us????? because they are playful??? because it is fun????? because of somebody or they are dog to someone???? but anyway i just let it go maybe the god will help me to find it soon.
Today i just check it out for something special......i have a frienfd who i treat her liked sister but she just make use of me... ha ha ... still i can make friend with her just to get back the thing i want and "present"as my gift for treat her so good however when i reach home i keep thinking what for i care to her.. every friend you meet no matter how good you guy are guy will also split and break up just like couple.
Maybe partner is better than frind but we nmust alsi be aware to each other
Today i just check it out for something special......i have a frienfd who i treat her liked sister but she just make use of me... ha ha ... still i can make friend with her just to get back the thing i want and "present"as my gift for treat her so good however when i reach home i keep thinking what for i care to her.. every friend you meet no matter how good you guy are guy will also split and break up just like couple.
Maybe partner is better than frind but we nmust alsi be aware to each other
zhao ming fu die had make a great new for us... he wont die so easily as we know that he had to married soon and register tomorrow which is the next day (if i not wrong) why should he die ... he also own a child now in his gf stomach rite???? the government now is confusing us ... what a terrible government is malaysia... all of them are liar now... "fan tan ju" is such a dirty place ... a very dirty government place ... know i think the whole world now about how cruel and irresponsible is malaysia government ha ha.... How can they make profit from other country again????? we must ask the truth for victim... to anti m'sia government together rite now.... such a terrible lie lie by malaysia government who are liars
hai.... today i go for my computer lesson i found out many things that make me believe people will only go with the people who brings benefit to them while others.... i am not sure at all. Today my class are totally different than before they start to stick with the teacher that they not concern at all before untill when they know that if we be good with the teacher we will gain more marks in ours exam then now they start to be good be brothers with he. Last minutes only then i can heard they complaint saying bad thing about the teacher but because of the benefits that the teacher give thay change all their attitude . They are such as a dog who need food .Why people in this world must like this ?????
Here i heve another story to share ... my friend ,WS who has a best friend name christine .They are best friend in past time but because of ws say that christine is playgirl so they "break up". christine now go and find ws enemy .. for what ??? complaint and play fool to each other and saying that she take over yours boyfriend but for me actually is not Ws fault but is your boyfriend who was playful .Dont always blame people that are innocent and praise the people who bring you benefir on happiness ..Pls .. you will get more hurt before and now i am having hurt because of you guy ..i really cant choose or deceide which friends between youy guy i want
Here i heve another story to share ... my friend ,WS who has a best friend name christine .They are best friend in past time but because of ws say that christine is playgirl so they "break up". christine now go and find ws enemy .. for what ??? complaint and play fool to each other and saying that she take over yours boyfriend but for me actually is not Ws fault but is your boyfriend who was playful .Dont always blame people that are innocent and praise the people who bring you benefir on happiness ..Pls .. you will get more hurt before and now i am having hurt because of you guy ..i really cant choose or deceide which friends between youy guy i want
All of us are liar!!!!!
There's too many thing we have to believe to others. Every communication that we have made or people made would like people believe on them. However these say are usually a big lie . Lets us look on the word believe we can carefully see that it has a lie word kept in the word believe .As a word on it we have to careful and suspect all the word which told by others.As the time you start to believe more you will been lie by them the more ,and of course in the end the hurt you gain will more than others just like the school that we go for a visit before enrollment . The management of the school always say that the school provide such equipment fir them and they can have freedom on doing this and that but at the end we just realize that it is actually a lie,a big lie. many of M government often has such talk to their resident. They are totally different from the world best government country Sg. Why is it totally different and what make it different is because of races between resident. M is always focus on their M races only and left c alone.. What actually they want c to do actually they are using c for earning much more money for them to spent and give some to lazy and stupid M. They,M always told us,C that they didn't do it but that aren't true they are lying. As they want us to believe them more and there is the time for us to suspicious them more. In your love game you must also suspect them for every second although they believe you and need you to believe them... All the boys in this world are liar and of course to the girl in differences sex situation.
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