

♥Lately i've been feeling a sadness deep inside of..
But when i hold your body next to me,
the pain just goes away...

♥Cause the love we share between us,
is the key to all our happiness... :)

♥♥Without a flaw,
Sprinf of fall,
I'll love you through its all ...

♥♥♥I like to
Listen to your voice ,
& gaze into your eye ^^

犹如流行般段短暂而耀眼的眼泪从来不为任何人流下,然而今天却为了你而落下了。 脆弱的心灵承受不了你带来的, 无比巨大的伤害。一次又一次因为太爱你而心软不断给予你机会弥补你却不珍惜一次又一次, 不断的犯错。 在我面前光明正大的犯错。一次又一次地不顾我的感受反反复复地伤害我。我不是冷血动物, 我是有血又泪又丰富感情的人类。我是个女人我承认我很容易吃醋可是那是因为太在乎你。 在你面前不擅长流泪的我每晚都会躲在被里无声的哭泣。 这些事你永远都不会也不可能了解的只因为耀眼如钻石的你只知道在我面前show-off. 我不恨你因为我太爱你, 我伤心, 对你不理不睬是因为我真的心碎了。不能在承受任何伤害的我在决定放弃你的同时回想着我们在一起所度过的美好时光。不是只为了你那迷人的外表也因为被你触动而开启的心接受不了别人只能装下你。 不顾一切地为你付出换来的却是冷血无情的伤害。 只因为那被你暂居的心窝的身子从那一刻我们在一起的时刻开始也被你控制一直顺从你至今无法自拔。这样的我或许很废, 在别人眼里可能是个笑话但因为你,因为你事儿给鱼的爱我学会忍耐, 也变得坚强。现在你决定离我而去投向他人的怀抱为他心甘情愿的付出你是否还想着我, 曾经想起过我吗?没了感情的牵绊你或许觉得自由了,然而还是很爱你的我却心废,心碎了。 看回我们的合照拾起电话再次麟听你的声音心跳还是会不由自主地快书跳动还是会为了你而脸红。 会因为听到你的声音而睡不着。 可是这些无都无法表达了。 这从你拥有了她,你就不再用整眼看我也不再关心我。电话正处于关机状态的你肯听还在于她温存吧。 算了是你先放手, 我也该放弃这本来就不属于我的男人。。。。从此以后我不再为你的风流而提心吊胆, 伤心难过甚至哭到断肠了。请你不用再给予我任何同情心了也别再来烦我 和给与友谊以上的关心。 至今我任放不下你那是因为我太你。。。。。。。我真的爱你,愿你回到我身边。。 别再给我带来伤害别再在我面前与她嬉闹也别再让别人为你争风吃醋。 请好好珍惜我。。好好把握。。好好爱我。。。永远陪伴在我身边尊重关心我只为我伤心流泪开心大笑。。唯独我!!!! 希望我们的爱能用就流传直到死去依然紧握我的手把你的心放在我手上

angel heart crying of blood

Angel lost of power
I felt sad for today… My English teacher is now again, again and again complaining about me didn’t speak out the words or pronounce the words with others but only moving my lips but it’s not real . You can’t hear my voice but it doesn’t means that I didn’t follow you instruction and failed to done the work you give . I don’t really care if you want to complaint my attitude or stuff that you don’t like on me to my parents or not because it is you feel…. I will care and really care for what people comment on me but not you absolutely not you as I hate you so much from the first sigh in school. I hate your style and attitude on which you keep embarrassing me in front of others and say nonsense , fault information about me to others . Besides you will always showing my mistakes but not really quite a big deal to others that make me feel heartbroken every time… you don’t really care for others feeling right ….You are not like the poem above you are a devil . You have kill the angel in front of you whenever you want without feeling any sadness or sorry to her for hurt the want who try to be good to you.. I really get bored with you and hate you so much….. My tears was trying to get out from my eyes but I have to control it .i have to be though … Every night I will cry alone I don’t want others to feel that I try to get attention from others by crying in front of the people they care or love liked I was trying to grab their lover from them … I know this is mean so I am not going to “perform” this art stuff in front of you guy who don’t really care for my thought and keep saying bad either in front or back at me. I had get through and enough for that things. I don’t care or say in front of you just because I respect you, but you didn’t thanks me and say more bad words about me I don’t really care if you liked me or not or give me low grade as most of the power is not from you. Maybe 30-40 percent is from you . But I know and realize that things gain from you is not worth for me at all. I hate you but I can’t show. You make me angry and feel to cry but when I think of you I really did say to myself you don’t worth to get my tears … I want to make it better to make you regret….
Two incidents involve on the article above …. English and cellp