东方神起成立了五年你这个SM 经纪公司既然至支扶他们1/4的薪水还要他们操劳连累滩了要休息也不给他们时间休息当他们是牛吗???太没天理了吧!!!他们拥有世上最强最庞大的粉丝后援会你们却那么的不给人家面子当人家是你们家的奴隶四名抽佣金。 气死人了!!! 要是他们真的解散了那你们也没任何余地好挽留了吧, 那为何不趁早放了人呢这样对自己和别人都有好处人家可能还会感激你而不控告你或解散单飞。 你以为他们真的需要你这间小有名气的公来帮他们吗??? 你已经帮他们打响了知名度所谓“过河拆桥“这是每个人都会做的是 他们要是真的不给你面子做了哪,我觉得所有粉丝就连法官也会判你们失败吧。
而我身为其中一个粉丝也会很死你们的因为我的昌珉也会随之不翼而飞。 他们拥有的不只是脸蛋他们也拥有了好嗓子我就不相信美了你这间公司它们的名气就会下跌好心看开点多给人家一点福利吧!!!
你不但禁止人家拍拖还限制了人家的休息时间你有没有顾虑国别人的感受???? 他们的体力消耗太多也会虚脱带病上场又要被你们教训你们真是良心被狗吃了贝。他们也要爱人,亲情和家人来安抚受伤的心灵你们却限制他们的互动不让他们打电话与见面未免太过分了吧!!!试想想要是他们有了家人的安慰或许呈现出的东西会是有史以来最好的东西纳你不是的劳无功吗???在举个例子要是你是他们你会有何感想呢??? 多为那些真的为世人出力, 显出爱心的人着想吧!!!
D.O.E camping in brunei forest 20th feb-21st feb
Hate Zainab and Amal is that the samller person can't take tent why must me be the one i did bring the pole and the rubbish you guys adked me to bring . then you guy still complaining. I hate you guy. Mr Airdrie, is not that i don't want to bring my cap i also hope that i don't get dehydration . Noene of us hope to get sick on camping. If you don't wanna give me to pass the Bronze award then i also have nothing to say only that i will hate because if i din go for camping i can go for my uncle house's houise warming that will be more fun not liked us wasting time and energy walk for 8 hours and don't even have lunch straight away set up our tent, pick, collect the woods for bonfire and water for drink collect and collect from the dirty river not enough also the iodine felt weird doo. The rock is so high and the jungle guy keep bringing us go around and rounds at the forest ...I felt dizzy and hard to breathe, it makes me feel wanna die soon at that time... i don't even have enough air for myself and nobody help me to climb up the rocks even if i had helped mt team members but they don't even want to help me when i got difficulty on it. I really felt hot and get bleeding , then jj and thazin could asked ms thomson for me and Mr Major has some hot water for me to cook pop mee. I know is quite annoying for taking car efor a sickness person. But u guys should be like Ms Bourbon who takes care for his students. Although i felt sick i still help u guys to fill, cook water and set up the tent . Is not that i don want to perform with u guy and ghaving bonfire i wish i can but i m lacking of energy. I bet u guys hate me but anyway i don't care. U guys should thonk if u guys are me wat will u guy felt about it ??? ignore by someone who u really care.. i don't liked the feeling of being ignore maybe u guy will think i am allergetic but i really did in feling. I don wan to go for camping anymore it sucks especially when u r tired, thirsty, and burnout. oh it really feel annoyed. When i have bleeding i cry is because all of u r ok only me having this king of problems. i swear b4 not 2 go 4 jungle trekking anymore but i did only bcoz of the certificate but now i reaaly really have no idea on whwther my airdrie will let me pass d award i hope so in the sight i went through succesfully to the top although i have sickness on the half way to campsite , din bring the most important things- hat and quite slow when went up, but maneage to be front and go down / bck to school after having your hat . Thanks 2 you but i really hope u won't quit me out of this program.. i really try hard on it.. i noe my teammates are disapponiting on me but at least i help to set n keep the tent n nothing lost in our group not liked jj's group .
在去年八月我本来可以去玩的可是就因为跟director of study 的女儿吵架了而泡汤。
昨晚我又梦见了一个以前很要好,要好到可以互吐心声的朋友可是一切在他开始说我坏话时常巴着director of study 的女儿一起说别人的是非后我渐渐讨厌和疏远他了。 我知道这个做法很明显但是我别无选择了。我昨晚梦见了那名友人, 梦见她因为我没得去本所以好心帮我买了几个日本礼品(昂贵又美丽的。 但是当我睁开眼睛时我就知道这一切只是我的幻想永远都不可能实现的。我是个自知之明的人所以我得这个梦也不抱太多的希望克是最让我气不过的是我交钱了飞机票也买了,VISA 也做了你就因为你女儿的自私, 憎恨, 霸道, 喜欢当耀眼的巨星的心 而止住了我想前进的脚步。 你们真是对毒妇女呀。 你们的人缘虽然比我好但那并不代表人人都喜欢你他们可能在你背后甬你一刀,你连你自己是怎么死得都不知道呢也不知道有没有人会帮你埋葬。每个人表面对你们好只为了从你身上得到一些东西不像我真心对你却反被你咬(真心被狗咬呀!!!)
这次同样的事情发生我却只能争着眼看着你们从我眼前搭飞机前往日本但至少不会那么痛苦了。 希望这次取得人能带些纪念品如靴子(长筒),化妆品, 保养品 等等回来给我。 或许你会认为这样的我很贪心但请别忘了你从我身边捞到的东=也不少这只是个小小的回报。 要是你想要别人对你好那你首先要对别人好, 还完你所欠的情先否则着你一辈子都不会好过的。
人情虽然难还但只要你尝试没有什么是不可能的。 千万别欠人人情。有些人不值得你留念呢你也不要太伤心, 忘了他吧!!!!!
在去年八月我本来可以去玩的可是就因为跟director of study 的女儿吵架了而泡汤。
昨晚我又梦见了一个以前很要好,要好到可以互吐心声的朋友可是一切在他开始说我坏话时常巴着director of study 的女儿一起说别人的是非后我渐渐讨厌和疏远他了。 我知道这个做法很明显但是我别无选择了。我昨晚梦见了那名友人, 梦见她因为我没得去本所以好心帮我买了几个日本礼品(昂贵又美丽的。 但是当我睁开眼睛时我就知道这一切只是我的幻想永远都不可能实现的。我是个自知之明的人所以我得这个梦也不抱太多的希望克是最让我气不过的是我交钱了飞机票也买了,VISA 也做了你就因为你女儿的自私, 憎恨, 霸道, 喜欢当耀眼的巨星的心 而止住了我想前进的脚步。 你们真是对毒妇女呀。 你们的人缘虽然比我好但那并不代表人人都喜欢你他们可能在你背后甬你一刀,你连你自己是怎么死得都不知道呢也不知道有没有人会帮你埋葬。每个人表面对你们好只为了从你身上得到一些东西不像我真心对你却反被你咬(真心被狗咬呀!!!)
这次同样的事情发生我却只能争着眼看着你们从我眼前搭飞机前往日本但至少不会那么痛苦了。 希望这次取得人能带些纪念品如靴子(长筒),化妆品, 保养品 等等回来给我。 或许你会认为这样的我很贪心但请别忘了你从我身边捞到的东=也不少这只是个小小的回报。 要是你想要别人对你好那你首先要对别人好, 还完你所欠的情先否则着你一辈子都不会好过的。
人情虽然难还但只要你尝试没有什么是不可能的。 千万别欠人人情。有些人不值得你留念呢你也不要太伤心, 忘了他吧!!!!!
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