
听说艺人的恋情都不比普通人长久,到底为什么呢? 其实当艺人到底好吗? 你们有想过这个问题吗? 其实这有点像家庭联姻,他们没有掌控权.一旦恋情曝光他们(大多)就得分手. 这又何必呢? 我们身为粉丝有时都为了他们恋情曝光而担心然而这有何用处?????
很多时候我们都无法选折自己喜欢的东西, 我们人生的掌控权到底在何方? 很多人都曾经被伤害或因为某些原因而和爱人分开可是当他们回想时少许都会报着悔恨的心态去面对吧.我们都不曾把过错放在自己身上而拼命把它推给了对方,有时真的对他们太不公平了.我们因该为爱人而着想并非为了别的.在没有他们的日子里我们未必会活得开心,在拥有对方时我们应该好好珍惜他们而不是一而再再而三的伤害他们不管是不是有心的. 当你真的心碎了,后悔时都已经来不及了.


i had meet a friend who own a handsome and rich boyfriend but because of her playful style they break up..this chinese new year the guy had meet an accident and passed away.... my friend reaction is
why he die urgently? why god dont wanna give him a longer life??? why ??? all sort of word that blaming on other
why he want to go for driving as he havent pass the license for a guy who only 15s ??? why ghe so stubborn
why dont i be good tio him , be couple again... i cvant leave him alone... i love him forever
But ,we as the girl best frriend we know that this is not true.. the girl only wany to have handsome guy beside her to show off... one day he saw my cousin photo and told me that he is handsome. she want he to become her boyfriend... when i heard that i keep thinking:"dony your soulmate just passed away, why and how can you want ayou be so happy and wanna couple again, how can????
What i think of is , we cant believe to anyone words... we, at least must think and investigate the word who told or tell us everytime, cdont matter who say it... just think of it... maybe you wil find something wrong and end the relationship earlier not to hurt each other... pls be true and good to everyone especially those who care for you and you care for.

why????? in this world.....

today, yesterday and tomorrow, what will happen to us??? yesterday i just heard that a friend had betray me from my gang's voice. is it true then why that friend often tell me that she had my member of gang. really not true such a sucks person... terrible liar.....yesterday i go to a shopping complex angd lost my thing i dont know where i drop maybe in saloon but i aasked them they say they didnyt saw it.... for what they dont tell me the truth maybe they really didnt saw it but i believe someone had saw it jusyt that they dont wanna tell me...but why they want to play fool on us????? because they are playful??? because it is fun????? because of somebody or they are dog to someone???? but anyway i just let it go maybe the god will help me to find it soon.
Today i just check it out for something special......i have a frienfd who i treat her liked sister but she just make use of me... ha ha ... still i can make friend with her just to get back the thing i want and "present"as my gift for treat her so good however when i reach home i keep thinking what for i care to her.. every friend you meet no matter how good you guy are ....you guy will also split and break up just like couple.
Maybe partner is better than frind but we nmust alsi be aware to each other